twitter marketing sales funnel

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Twitter Marketing Sales Funnel

Twitter is a great way to reach out to people across the world and connect. There is a high level of engagement from it’s users and it sits on the bleeding edge of breaking news; people are constantly coming back to Twitter to keep up with the latest news and trends. It’s addicting.

Twitter is also a great way to market to and engage with people directly without spending money on promotional advertising. But how do you do it?

What follows is my own user experience with a Twitter marketing sales funnel and my notes about the experience.

Table of Contents:

Recently, I was followed by a person named Chris Hughes on Twitter.

Naturally I was curious about this new follower and so I went to his profile to check him out and see what he is all about.

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Step 1: Follow somebody real (not a brand or business, but a real person) on Twitter.

  • As you can see here, my twitter marketing sales funnel user journey started off with a friend request on Twitter from somebody named Chris Hughes (“real” type of name used, this is important as a trust signal).
  • Naturally, my curiosity took over and I wanted to know who this person is, so…
  • I clicked on the notification and I’m taken to his profile.

Step 2: Entice user to visit your profile and click on the link in your bio

  • The continuation of Twitter marketing sales funnel user journey: Following my natural curiosity, I visit Chris Hughes’s profile on twitter and find him to be a real person (on first impression). This is important, that my user journey remains authentic, that i’m connecting with a real person and not a brand or a bot. As an avid user of Twitter, I want authentic engagement from real people.
  • Because I want an authentic, real experience with the Twitter accounts I engage with, i’m extremely critical in my thinking and thus, i’m looking for trust signals to verify that i’m not wasting my time with a bot, brand or fake account. Here are the trust signals that I came across that helped me travel further on my user journey, that helped me click through to the landing page:

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  • Trust signals are:
    • Profile picture of Chris in a relaxed atmosphere, wearing chill clothes, not giving many fucks.
    • Profile bio proclaims his most important self-selected qualities that he hopes will further engender trust in his visitors (“I want to be like Chris!” or “I want that life!”)
      • But here’s the interesting thing about this in my user journey…I still don’t know why he has reached out and connected with me! All I know is that Chris is a self-proclaimed entrepreneur, an author, a surfer and traveller and that he “LOVES business”
      • What is his business? How is he making money? This is still not clear at this point in the User Journey…but i’m still curious and interested in living that dream life!
  • The second line in his bio is a CTA posed as a question: “Want a copy of the Perfect Day Cheat sheet I used to create my dream life? Click below”
  • Directly below it is the link to his sales funnel.

Step 3: I clicked on the link from Chris’s Twitter profile page to bring me to Chris’s branded landing page on a clickfunnels URL

clearbox twitter marketing sales funnel

  • The first thing I notice as the page loads is that the URL for the landing page is not fully branded, it says this: “”
    • The issue with this URL is that it is a common URL that is used for many different sales funnels and initiatives in the industry across many different brands. If you look up the URL on Google, you will find that it’s rather generic and that many people use the service for their sales funnels. The optics on this for me when I see something like this is “snake oil salesman” or “shyster”, but that may be because i’m savvy to this type of sales tactic or service and I constantly check URLs of pages I visit. Taking this into consideration I would not use a subdomain or partially branded domain to build a sales funnel. 
  • Logo reaffirms Chris as a surfer dude in a cartoon
    • My thoughts on this are that it’s cute and doesn’t distract from his message. In fact, it reaffirms the qualities he’s already proclaimed earlier, that he is a surfer dude who lives his dream life surfing in exotic places by using his computer somehow. The cartoon aspect of it lends a quality of easy breeziness. What do you think about this particular trust signal?
  • Continuation of user journey, as my eyes go down the page:
    • 1st Message on page reaffirms Free item – “100% Free Cheat Sheet Download” – good, i’m still with you
  • 2nd message: Free Item Title is in large font and in caps “HOW TO CREATE YOUR DREAM LIFE IN 2017 CHEAT SHEET”
  • Below title in parenthesis a message giving another reason why user wants to download cheat sheet – as if telling a secret that reaffirms value of free item (keeps my curiosity going! And I feel like he’s telling me a secret, only me!)
  • Big button (bright and visible color) with cloud download link with message in caps “DOWNLOAD NOW”
  • By clicking the above big button, an email box pops up which elicits user email for the “free” download (except, it’s not so free when you have to give up your email, is it?)
    • At this point, it’s a pretty normal process. If you want the free cheat sheet, give up your email is a pretty standard practice. So, I go ahead and type in my email…

After I submit my email i’m redirected to a second landing page!

LAME, this was a bad user experience for me as I expected a download to occur, not another redirect!

However, the power of a free dream life still entices me, so I click on through…

Step 4: Landing page 2 with video sales pitch

clearbox twitter marketing sales funnel

  • Message 1 in parenthesis (“This is NOT A Sales Video”) – it’s totally a sales video
    • Even though my user journey took a turn I didn’t expect as a user, i’m still with it, still willing to go along to get my free thing. In fact, i’m hunting for it now on the page. And i’m a little miffed.
  • Message 2 instructing what the user needs to do next, “Watch This Super Short Video To Get Your Cheat Sheet!”
    • So, at least there is an instruction that is telling me what to do next to keep my user journey going to get the free item, even though my journey almost got derailed.
    • Another user journey failure here is that you don’t actually have to watch the video to get the cheat sheet. This is the second user journey failure. But, since I still want that free thing, I watched the video.
  • Message 3 underneath the video: “WARNING: This training has no pitch and is truly free value packed content from our site. Also watch your email for more pure value training from me!”
    • This is great, really playing on the fear of missing out (FOMO) psychology and calling attention to the message by saying “warning” in red caps.
    • Wait a minute, this video is training? And I’m going to get more stuff in my email box from this guy?

 Messages 4: Testimonials from satisfied clients:

  • Testimonials are done in an interesting way; Chris Hughes used Facebook conversations he has had with clients and their successes – and who knows if they are real or not, easy to fake and hard to verify!

clearbox twitter marketing sales funnel

  • My thoughts on this: since this user journey started on Twitter, does it make more sense to use conversations on Twitter or Facebook for these testimonials?
  • Message 5 after testimonials is a question re-asking the first: “Want a shortcut to building your dream business?” (For fuck sake, yes! I do!)
  • Next section splits the user journey into two options which are calls to action (CTA):
    • CTA 1 – Button – “Click Here for the Next Step” (Step 5 in user journey)
      • Click action directs user to info product page with an option to buy
        • This was a HUGE trust signal FAIL! I was expecting to reach the free download, instead redirected to this page which is asking for a buy!
    • CTA 2 – Link – “Click here to get your perfect day cheat sheet (starts download of PDF and this is the end of initial user journey.

clearbox twitter marketing sales funnel

Step 5: “Click Here for the Next Step”

  • This is a lead-in from the CTA 1 Button
  • Sign up page, form for full contact and billing information

clearbox twitter marketing sales funnel

  • Book style info product looks good and reaffirms the initial CTA

clearbox twitter marketing sales funnelclearbox twitter marketing sales funnel

  • Nice clear pic of him in the sun, long blonde hair, tank top…everything about the pic says i’m living a relaxed life of leisure and so could you if you buy my e-book.
  • clearbox twitter marketing sales funnelBelow book cover is the rest of the checkout process with the usual trust signals and a money back guarantee.


My initial thoughts on this particular twitter marketing sales funnel is that it’s a bit dubious. However, I imagine that it does have some level of success.

But, without real analytics and numbers in regards to traffic going to these pages to test out the efficacy of such a model, I can only guess as to it’s effectiveness.

I’m going to try it 🙂

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